Tuesday 25 February 2014

Get Your Head Around This One!

Just a brief post today because I'm a little busy with these college assignments that are slowly making me lose the will to live. Anyone today's post is for anyone who likes a good old movie fan theory because the guy who produced the Pixar single universe theory has come up with another corker!

The sheer amount of effort and calculation to come up with such a theory is quite inspiring, and it's not hard to see why this internet phenomenon has even won awards over recent years.  But author Jon Negroni wasn't done yet, oh no! Yes, he's come up with another belter, this time focussed solely on the Toy Story universe. He takes a character who we barely even see in the movie trilogy, Andy's mom, and transforms her into an integral piece of the story's puzzle. The idea that he comes up with his nothing short of mind-blowing, and may even cause you to shed a little tear or two!

Anyway to read Jon's theory please click here

I'm sure you'll agree it's quite amazing how he came up with it, picking up on tiny insignificant details first time around. Is it true who knows, but it's certainly a little food for though and seems a bit too coincidental for my liking! Personally I can't wait to see what Jon comes up with next.

Anyway, that's all from me today, hopefully I'll have time for a post later in the week!

Oh, by the way Dreamworks are apparently planning ANOTHER 'Shrek' movie. But if you're like me I lost all faith in the big green goofball after 'Shrek The Third', which was a disappointment in my book. I haven't even seen 'Shrek Forever After' but judging by word of mouth and a series low box-office gross of $239m, I don't get the sense I'm missing out on much. 

The original was fantastic, a new post-modern humourous take on the fairy-tale genre that had both adults and children laughing in the aisles. It also had a stellar cast with Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy taking the movie to unparalleled heights, and proving to Pixar that there was new kid on the animation block and that it now had to glance over its shoulder at the competition. 'Shrek 2' was also brilliant moving the story's location, bringing in new characters, and doing the unthinkable by making Shrek human. It could have failed but as a sequel showed that the ogre was a force to be reckoned with on the big screen. Theme park rides, Christmas specials, a 'Puss in Boots' spin-off movie, and a musical quickly followed which were all welcomed with open arms. 

'Shrek' - The Musical

So, maybe its just me but now I think the franchise has run its course. How Dreamworks intend on squeezing out a fifth movie I can't fathom. Dreamworks CEO of Animation Jeffrey Katzenberg has stated 'I think you can be confident that we'll have another chapter in the Shrek series. We're not finished, and more importantly, neither is he.' Perhaps I'm being cynical but I think it's just being viewed as another money-grabbing opportunity for the studio, given that the franchise's current haul is $2.9bn, that will probably only damage the still proud legacy of the first two movies.

Disagree with me, think there's plenty of fight left in the big ol' ogre? Please comment below, I'd love to hear what you think.

Monday 24 February 2014

R.I.P. Harold Ramis - 1944-2014

Sadly, more tragic new has prompted the writing of this blog tonight as I have just learned of the passing away of the great comedic actor/writer/director Harold Ramis.

I just saw a photo on Facebook that I could not agree more with, which read 'Respect to a man who has without doubt made you, or someone you know, laugh in his lifetime.' I thought this was a fitting tribute because Ramis will forever be remembered by the for both his iconic roles, and work behind the camera in the world of comedy. He was most famous for playing Dr. Egon Spengler in 1984 smash, and now legendary comedy, 'Ghostbusters'. Although he certainly wasn't a one trick pony. In his long and distinguished career, Ramis also proved his worth as a director, making us laugh with comedies like 'Groundhog Day' and 'Analyse This', as well as some episodes of the US version of 'The Office'.

Ramis as Egon Spengler

It was alongside the star of 'Groundhog Day', Bill Murray, that Ramis would form a strong friendship and on-screen partnership. They began working together performing sketches on 'The National Lampoon Radio Hour' in 1974, and the rest as they say is history with the pair working together on 'Stripes', 'Meatballs', 'Caddyshack' and Ghostbusters I and II.

Ramis certainly had no plans to retire however, which makes his passing even more heartbreaking. Younger fans will undoubtedly remember him for his roles in modern comedies 'Knocked Up' and 'Year One' (which he also wrote and directed). Not even a month has passed since the sudden death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, and we find ourselves bidding farewell to another icon of the screen who will fondly be remembered in all of our hearts. The ability to make someone laugh is definitely taken for granted. It is an incredible talent and Ramis was laughter personified, so I'd just like to pay tribute to a great man who though may no longer be with us, will still have us laughing through his movies in years to come!

Total Film have done a feature on Harold's Top Five Films - If anyone's interested. please click here

Harold Ramis passed away in the early hours of this morning at North Shore with his family around him, whom I would like to offer my condolences to. He was suffering from a rare disease called autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, which involves the swelling of blood vessels.

Other news seems irrelevant when we are greeted with more sadness like this but I have to report that Amanda Seyfried has been cast as the female lead in comedy sequel 'Ted 2'. Seth MacFarlane will be reprising his directorial duties, and Mark Wahlberg is back in the frame as John Bennet who will not doubt be getting up to all sorts of mischief with his furry foul-mouthed friend. How this will affect Mila Kunis' role as Lori Collins however remains unclear, despite Deadline reporting that she may not even appear at all, MacFarlane is yet to give any official word. Yet, he obviously has a lot of faith in Seyfried who will be appearing in his next movie due for release 'A Million Ways To Die In The West'. As for plot MacFarlane is still keeping his cards close to his chest, but I'm sure profanity, pop culture references, crude humour and all-out hilarity are a safe bet!

'Ted 2' will open on 10th July 2015

Thursday 20 February 2014

Another Marvel Bombshell

So, if the 'Guardians' trailer wasn't enough for y'all yesterday I have some more Marvellous news to report today. The cast of the reboot of 'Fantastic Four' has been announced. And whilst I'm not massively shocked by the announcement (two of the actors have been speculated for their roles for months), I'm still not quite sure what this new take on the comic-book franchise will deliver

Anyway moving swiftly on - your new 'Fantastic Four' are:

Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, and Michael B. Jordan

The actors will be playing Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, and The Human Torch respectively.

Whilst 'Fantastic Four' remains the property of 20th Century Fox, Marvel fans around the world will undoubtedly be overjoyed to see one of their most beloved franchises back up and running. As far as reboots go, the studio actually hasn't waited that long to take the heroic foursome in another direction. The original was only released nine years ago, and its sequel followed in 2007. Yet, whilst I enjoyed these movies they weren't perhaps up to the standard we came to expect from Marvel. After Bryan Singer's 'X-Men' in 2000, and Sam Raimi's 'Spider-Man' two years later, people were expecting 'Fantastic Four' to blaze a trail in 2005 and launch more of Marvel's heroes into mainstream cinematic success. But, the movie sort of fizzled out. It almost seemed like a 'backward step', and it didn't really capitalise on its massive potential. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the original, perhaps 'The Rise of the Silver Surfer' was a bit of a 'cock-up', but these movies were still entertaining. I also thought it was a well formed cast (Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis and Chris Evans), all complementing each other and adapting to their roles well. One could even argue that there's no huge need for a remake, so relatively soon after the first effort dropped. But who am I to argue with a major Hollywood studio, they know what's best right? Let's hope so!

The movie is scheduled for release in Summer 2015, and will apparently look at 'The Ultimate Fantastic Four' comic-book story-line, where the characters are much younger. So looks like we're in for another origin story! The cast have a huge weight on their shoulders in trying to show 'The Fantastic Four' can compete at the box office with the likes of 'The Avengers' and 'Spider-Man' but I have no doubts they're relishing the challenge, and I'm both excited, and a little skeptical, about what they'll bring to the table. Kate Mara will surely dazzle us as Sue Storm. Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan have already shown their on-screen chemistry in rom-com 'That Awkward Moment' with Zac Efron. And Jamie Bell looks to put his 'Billy Elliott' days behind him once and for all, by clobbering the bad guys as 'The Thing'. Here's your Four! Will they be 'Fantastic'? This blogger is gonna go out on a limb and say yes. But remember heroes are nothing without a villain. And whilst the foursome have squared off against an abundance of baddies in the comics, SURELY Dr. Doom is going to be the main foe, pulling the strings in this movie! Let's just pray it's not another "evil cloud" anyway, ahem, 'Rise of the Silver Surfer', ahem!

I mean come on!!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

'Guardians of the Galaxy' - Trailer Drops!

OK, so all quiet on the western front today. Nothing much to share. But, wait! What's this? Marvel have finally released the first trailer for their latest superhero franchise, 'Guardians of the Galaxy', due for release this summer? Check it out below!

James Gunn
Whilst it doesn't give too much away, it sure is exciting to see "the Guardians" line up together for the first time. In terms of plot, director James Gunn has kept relatively schtum but we know it involves Star-Lord (Christ Pratt) being pursued throughout space by the evil Ronan (played by Lee Pace). It's speculated that it has something to do with the 'orb-like object' Starlord was caught stealing in the first scene of the trailer. 

All our questions will be answered on August 1st however when the movie is released in the UK. Personally, I can't wait. Everyone thought 'The Avengers' was as big as things could get for a superhero movie - yet 'Guardians' has assembled another stellar cast and is taking all the action, destruction and "badassery" to space. Without getting too excited this movie literally has enormous potential, and the trailer has teased everyone enough to make that summer release date seem even more excruciating. 

It sets up the movie nicely though: it shows us the undeniable charisma of Chris Pratt in the leading role, the incredible effects that have brought Groot (Vin Diesel) and Rocket Racoon (Bradley Cooper) to life, makes Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista, who has come a long way since his WWE 'heyday') look truly menacing, and hints at a possible love story arc between Star-Lord and Gomora (played by Zoe Saldana, in her third sci-fi franchise after 'Star Trek' and 'Avatar'). 

The fact that Gomora has also been explained as being Thanos' daughter (whom we met in the post-credits scene of 'The Avengers') also set the internet alight as to how this movie will merge with the rest of the Marvel universe; and if there is a chance we'll see an ultimate showdown or ultimate team up with The Avengers in the not too distant future. Fan-boys mouths around the world water at such an amazing prospect.

Thanos - What role will he play in 'Guardians'?

Like 'The Avengers' the movie also seems to have its foot firmly in the door of comedy. A very witty script quickly becomes clear just by the trailer alone. Whether it be Star-Lord trying to explain himself to his captors (Pratt, doing what he does best), or the officer referring to "the Guardians" as 'a bunch of a**holes' it seems that as much as this move is going to dazzle us visually, and keep us on the edge of our seats in suspense, it's also going to have us chuckling away in the cinema - which is a "win-win" in my book!

Also looking good in the trailer are John C. Reilly and Djimon Hounsou, and we are yet to see the roles played by Glenn Close, Karen Gillan, Benicio Del Toro and Michael Rooker come to life on the screen. So hold on to your hats because from now until August 1st it's gonna be one heck of a journey hopefully culminating in Marvel's biggest epic yet! THIS COULD BE HUGE!

Friday 14 February 2014

The Verdict = 'Exam' = 63%

It's A Pass, But Not With Flying Colours

Alas, I did not get around to watching 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' this week, but I do have a new review to share with you all. It's quite a jump from 'Star Trek' actually. Last night, I watched the independent thriller 'Exam', written, directed and produced by Brit, Stuart Hazeldine. He had only one directorial credit to his name before this (the 35 minute short 'Christian', for anyone whose interested), but does a decent job with a relatively unknown cast and modest budget. In fact, the only actor I recognised apart from Colin Salmon (who appears in a cameo role), was Jimi Mistry. Nonetheless, the cast do the movie justice, and while its not going to break box office records or light up the world of Hollywood, at just over 90 minutes, it's entertaining viewing that I'd definitely recommend to others.

Luke Mably as 'White' in 'Exam'

To me, the movie seemed almost a hybrid between 'Phonebooth' and 'Reservoir Dogs'. 8 Candidates are summoned to a sit an exam determining which one of them will receive a position in a lucrative organisation. They are given 80 minutes and are told that they cannot communicate with the invigilator (Colin Salmon), leave the room or spoil their paper. They only have one question to answer, except all they are given is blank sheets of paper. Admittedly I realise that this may sound pretty boring but give it a chance and a lot of tension actually builds. The action all takes place within the exam room, and the candidates do not use their real names (much akin to Tarantino's 'Reservoir Dogs') but the prize of the job pits them all against each other in a race against time to find the answer and then to solve it. Instantly, also like 'Reservoir Dogs, they all grow suspicious of each other and accusations and insults fly rapidly around the room. If you're still in doubt about its potential have a look at the trailer below because this is what 'hooked' me in the first place.

The room becomes a theater for clashes of personalities, as well as holding secrets of its own. By restricting his story to this condensed location Hazeldine effectively creates a sense of claustrophobia where the audience, like the characters, feel trapped by the ominous presence of the room and those who are examining them. 

Ok, so it's not brilliant and it's probably not a movie I would watch again. Nonetheless, I feel its positives probably outweigh its drawbacks. The job itself which the candidates are applying for, and their circumstances, I felt became ridiculously complicated in places. I also think that the ending, whilst not disappointing,was not exactly what I had been hoping for. It didn't really provide the 'killer blow' I was expecting, and actually left me feeling rather deflated. However, I must stress that 'Exam' is worth 90 minutes of your time. It will keep you on the edge of your seat at times, and even had me rooting for my favourite for the job. Stuart Hazeldine shows plenty of promise by creating an interesting psychological thriller and character study without the backing of a major studio, which is an encouraging sign for British film and independent movie makers around the world! 

Also, R.I.P. Shirley Temple, another icon who sadly passed away this week. She died of natural causes, aged 85. The former child star, who was also a great grandmother, will never be forgotten. Despite retiring in 1950, aged just 22, Temple undoubtedly left her stamp on Hollywood; and will always be remembered for her signature curls and cheeky smile. A true movie great!

On a lighter note, I'm happy to report that Michael Sheen and Sarah Silverman are apparently dating. It may seem an odd couple at first glance but I'm big fans of both, and wish them the best of luck!

Will it work? Let's hope so!

Monday 3 February 2014

R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014

The blog begins today on a sad not as we lament the tragic loss of Philip Seymour Hoffman, who was found dead in his apartment, a victim of an apparent heroine overdose.

The world of film is deeply aggrieved as another one of its brightest stars has faded away. Hoffman was undoubtedly one of the best actors of his generation, and tributes have poured in from all over the world paying homage to the wonderful man, whose performance as Truman Capote won him the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2005. He will be truly missed, as George Clooney explains 'There are no words ... It's just terrible'. 

We had so much more to see from Hoffman, who had been filming his role as Plutarch Heavensbee in sequel 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay', a role which had garnered him a whole new generation of fans in 'Catching Fire'. We must honour Hoffman's memory by remembering the wonderful legacy he left us - star performances in 'Moneyball', 'The Master', and 'Capote' re-iterate his status as a Hollywood heavyweight, and one that will never be forgotten. We will always have his movies, and we should cherish them. I'll be watching 'Capote' hopefully by the end of this week for the first time, and will try to smile with fondness on a magnificent performance of another silver-screen star who died too young. 

Hoffman as Truman Capote

My condolences go out to his partner Mimi, and their three children, and anyone who ever had the pleasure of meeting the man. I can only imagine what you're going through after such a painful loss and hope that the support from those around you will help you to cope at this difficult time.